How to create your first virtual tour
"Greetings! This article is made for all, who wants to develop something new, help and amaze other people.
Together we will create beautiful panoramas and not only from ground, but also from bird's eye view. This allows to see the beauty of Russian nature from different sides. So, lets inspire others together!"
Alex Kazantsev, the author.
What things you need for panoramic photography?
Smartphone, camera
Drone (if you want to create panoramas from bird’s eye view)
Panoramic head(only for camera)
Tripod(only for camera)
Lets shoot VR-content!
Now we have learnt the theory, and it’s time for practice!
Shooting vr-360 panorama on the phone
Shooting vr-360 panorama on the camera
Shooting vr-360 panorama on the drone
Shooting vr-360 panorama on the phone
First of all, make sure you switched your phone camera to manual settings. Set ISO and shutter speed according to conditions. You don’t need to worry about aperture: on every phone it is constant.
Take 60-70 photos while rotating the smartphone creating a 360-degree panorama projection and ensuring a good merge of the images.
Shooting vr-360 panorama on the camera
Set up your camera to panoramic head and then put it on tripod. Now you need to find the nodal point. You may watch the video about it.
Camera settings
Choose the format of the shots – RAW.
Set your camera to the manual mode (M).
Close the aperture to a value of F10-12 and set the shutter speed and ISO based on the surrounding lighting.
Select the exact white balance value.
Focus on the desired subject, after which the autofocus must be turned off.
Once all settings are done, the only task left is to take a 360-degree panoramic photo. Take the first shot, then rotate the panoramic head by the specified increment and take another shot. Continue this process until all parts of the future circular panorama are captured. To avoid confusion, it’s best to start at the 0° mark and rotate clockwise. Once you return to the starting position, you can proceed to the next row.
Shooting vr-360 panorama on the drone
All modern drones got some flying modes. For example, DJI drones got special panorama-shooting modes. So, we will shoot the spherical panorama with the help of DJI “Sphere” mode.
Connect your drone to the controller.
Open the app.
Fly the drone to the shooting location.
Choose RAW format of the photos
Before taking your shot, make shure that you set AUTO CAMERA SETTINGS.
In your app go to: Pano - Sphere. Click on it.
If you followed this steps accurate, your drone will automaticly take all photos of the 360 pano.
Stitching & Editing
First of all, lets download some apps on your computer.
There are some programs for processing 360 panoramas:
“Adobe Lightroom Classic”
“Affinity photo”
“Adobe Photoshop”
“FSP Viewer”
Editing pano from camera & phone
Open your photos in Adobe Lightroom. Choose one photo which have both highlights and shadows. Then, do the color grading of this photo. You don’t need to use masks or crop that image.You may watch the video about it.
When your color grading is done, click on ths photo, then go to Develop settings-copy settings. Click COPY
- After that, select all images(cntrl/command+a). Then choose another random photo, click on it and go to Develop settings-paste settings. Click PASTE. Now all photos are edited.
- Now let’s move to stiching. Open PTGui app. Import the photos and click “Align images“. Then you will have well-stitched pano! You may look here if you want to see more steps
Stitching pano from the camera&phone
Now we may export our pano. Here are the exporting settings:
Lets move to affinity photo. We need to go to Layer- Live projection-Equirectangular. Click on it. Now you can scroll the pano around.
When you scroll down, you will see the tripod. We need to remove it.
Click here as you see on the screen. Choose Patch tool.
Select the tripod, and remove it!
Now we need to export the pano. Click: Layer- Live projection-Remove projection.
- Now, lets go to file-export. Here are the exporting settings.
- The pano is ready! We may watch it in FSP Viewer.
Stitching pano frome the drone
- Open PTGui app. Import the photos and click “Align images“. Then you will have well-stitched pano! You may look here if you want to see more steps
Great! You can see? that the pano hasn’t got another part od the sky. It happens, because some drone can’t rise their gimbal up so high. The only solution- is to photoshop the sky part.
Firstly, lets export the pano. Here are the exporting settings.
- Secondly, we should open Adobe Photoshop and open the document there. Now we need to import the sky into document. You may download it here before. Follow this steps:
It will look like that:
Then create mask to the sky layer here:
Then go to single adjustments and add some correction layers. The sample is here:
Now we need to export the pano: here you can see the exporting settings.
Now the pano is ready!
How to create the VR-tour
Before the start, we need to download “Pano 2 VR”. It allows you to create a virtual tour, meaning it can combine several panoramas or add some interactive element to the panos.
When it’s done, create your first project, then import 360 pano into it.
Afer that, go to “User data” and type some information about your pano.
Go to “Default view” and set the player parameters.
Now click to the “+“ sign under the word “Output“. Choose “Web“.
Then choose the skin here:
You may also edit skin before publishing. The video about it is here
Almost ready! Choose this settings before export your virtual tour:
Now we can export the virtual tour by clicking to “Gear wheel“sign! REMEBER: Create the unique name of the exporting folder before starting the process!
Cool!! We created the virtual tour!
But how to share it to social media and with your friends?
I have the solution! Go to website and drop the exporting folder there. After that you will have the link to your tour.
To conclude:
This article provides a comprehensive guide to creating VR and 360-degree panoramas using smartphones, cameras, and drones. It covers essential equipment, theoretical concepts like sensors and lenses, and photography techniques for capturing panoramic images. The piece also explains editing methods using software such as Adobe Lightroom, PTGui, and Adobe Photoshop, and provides steps for creating and sharing VR tours with Pano 2 VR and Netlify. Whether you're interested in ground-level or aerial photography, this guide aims to inspire and help you amaze others with stunning panoramic views, particularly of Russian nature.